Friday, August 27, 2004

The corporate agenda & me

-a haiku poem inspired by reflections on team building excercises

if your company
was manifested in wood
i'd set it on fire

Wednesday, August 25, 2004


Stupid joke that, yes, I made up #32

Q: Why did the Eskimo leave his tribe?
A: He wasn't Innuit!*

*Again, the use of the exclamation point clearly indicates self-hating shame and the absence of the means to conceal it.

Letters From Summer Camp

Excerpts and complete fabrications from transmissions sent this summer

Re: I'm not dead.

Dear Mom and Dad,

As indicated in the subject line, I cling to life with ever-diminishing tenacity at Camp. Olfactory offenses and staff meetings are plentiful, as are general intestinal disturbances.

I learned to crochet and am making lots of hats, scarves, and other useful items here in the damp, hot forest. I was even able to crochet a sandwich at a recent meal. Needless to say regular access to bathrooms is a plus. That is, it would be if it existed.

With that, I must leave you. It is clean up hour - the one hour all week when campers must return to their bunks and be held there to clean up their child-film encrusted sleeping areas and I am finally able to crawl into a corner and rock myself into a frenzied state of giddy depression.

love and joy,
Counselor Betty


Stupid joke that, yes, I made up #78

Q: What was the lousy receptionist's blood type?
A: Type O!*

*The exclamation point is necessary to denote the false enthusiasm masking utter hopelessness.